- Lighting feasibility study
- Transition from Low Voltage to Medium Voltage feasibility study
- Cogeneration feasibility study
Why a Feasibility Study instead of a direct implementation of the solution?
- Because we position ourselves as an objective third party; any equipment rendering investment costs should be thoroughly documented.
- Because we analyse several alternatives which are technically and economically feasible, before selecting the optimal solution. Therefore, we DO NOT take into account the reduced consumption as a priority, but the quality and comfort of the lighting provided, to ensure safety and productiveness.
- Because we aim to development of lighting technology and select the optimal and sustainable alternative, suitable to the lighting of your company premises.
Description of the Feasibility Study conducted by Servelect:
- Assessment of the lighting cost share and the footprint of consumption by using the LENI indicator[kW/sqm/year].
- Evaluation of the annual maintenance costs.
- Assessment of the lighting level, illuminance, color temperature, color rendering index, as well as disturbing factors.
- Evaluation of the visual comfort for employees.
- Identification of the optimal lighting sources and appliances, combined with the lighting quality assurance and power consumption reduction.
- Economic analysis of the proposed investment.
Your benefits from the collaboration with Servelect:
- Identification of the optimal solutions for energy efficiency.
- Increased visual comfort.
- Consumption monitoring per production units.
- Implementation of optimized lighting solutions.
- Significant reduction in the consumption for lighting.
- Carry out of post-implementation evaluations.
Scope of application:
- Office buildings.
- Production halls.
- Building facades.
- Platform area lighting.
- Public lighting.
Studies conducted by Servelect: Comanu Romania, Winerberger, GST Automotive, Hotel Roman, Sanex Lasselsberger, Plimbo, Romconsulting.
Description of the service proposed by Servelect:
The electric power distribution tax is charge imposed per MWh of consumed power and is included in the energy bill. Trough the project of transition from low to medium voltage the above tax is eliminated and the energy bill decreases by 125 RON/MWh, which is about 20-25% of the total amount of the bill.
Therefore, the monthly working budget automatically obtained after the transition project completion, trough the energy bill cut, is oriented to the investment amortization.
Servelect provides turnkey projects (design, funding, implementation), payments being deducted from savings actually generated. The Beneficiary pays from the generated savings in monthly installments until project is completely paid back, without making financial efforts and without affecting the cash flow.
The first stage of the project is the elaboration of a Feasibility Study:
The solution is established by a solution study according to the provisions of the Distribution Operator. The solution study is carried out by a Servelect designer, certified grade III by ANRE.
Besides the study of the solution, in the proposed feasibility study, Servelect:
- Identifica solutiile tehnice optime, agreate de catre Beneficiar in baza conditiilor impuse de catre Operatorul de Distributie;
- Evalueaza costurile lucrarilor ce se vor realiza pe tarif de racordare (lucrari in instalatiile apartinand Operatorului de Distributie);
- Evalueza costurile lucrarilor ce se vor realiza in instalatia de utilizare ;
- Obtine Certificatul de urbanism pentru lucrarea de alimentare;
- Obtine Certificatele si Acordurile solicitate in Certificatul de urbanism, acorduri de principiu din partea furnizorilor de utilitati cu privire la amplasarea noilor instalatii;
- Realizeaza documentatia premergatoare pentru urmatoarele faze de proiectare: (proiect tehnic + caiet de sarcini si documentatie tehnica pentru autorizatie constructive)PT+CS si DTAC;
- Ofera oportunitatea de finantare a lucrarii prin credit furnizor.
Your benefits from the solution implementation:
- Reducing the costs of the energy bill by approx. 20%.
- Increasing the power supply safety.
Scope of application:
- Medium and large consumers (usually over 200 kW power input), supplied by low voltage lines.
Studies conducted by Servelect: Aquabis, Quantal Prima, Novis, Agroturdean, Sandoz.
Why Feasibility Study instead of a direct implementation of the solution?
- Because we position ourselves as an objective third party; any equipment rendering investment costs should be thoroughly documented.
- Because we analyse several alternatives which are technically and economically feasible, before selecting the optimal solution. We take into account the controllable or foreseen factors and perform a sensitivity analysis for the variation in price between the fuel input and the energy output from the cogeneration system.
Description of the Feasibility Study conducted by Servelect:
- Analysis of at least 3 feasible solutions (different fuels, different operating principles).
- Heat requirement estimation.
- Adequate sizing of solution.
- Economic analysis of the proposed investment.
- Achieving accreditation needed for bonus payments for cogeneration or green certificates.
Your benefits from the collaboration with Servelect:
- Power-self generation.
- Analysis of the feasibility of solutions from the following points of view: cost, efficiency, availability, flexibility and lifespan, environmental performance, risks.
Studies conducted by Servelect: Cemacon, Hochland, Amann, Zaharul Oradea, Zaharul Ludus, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Compania de Apa Oradea.