Why should you perform an Energy Audit for your building?
- Because that way you shall benefit from a clear and realistic “radiography”, which ranks the building in a certain energy class.
- Because the core purpose of the Energy Audit is to substantiate and estimate, by means of a cost-benefit analysis, feasible solutions for improving the energy efficiency. Thus, the Energy Audit means NOT only the energy performance certification of the building.
Description of the Energy Audit for building conducted by Servelect:
- Collects and analyses historical consumption data.
- Performs energy measurementsin terms of quality and quantity.
- Analyses the technical condition of the building.
- Substantiates therefurbishment/revamping solutions which are feasible from a technical point of view.
- Performs economic analyses for the proposed investment, by means of specific financial indicators.
- Draws up a plan of measures and actionsand establishes the order of priorities in terms of feasibility.
- Energy power performance certification.
- Submits to the Beneficiary a substantiated presentation of the post-audit results.

Your benefits from the implementation of the solutions proposed by the Audit Report:
Reduced consumption of electric power and/or fuels.
Increased comfort, solutions for remote monitoring and control.
Elimination of low voltage distribution fees.
Reduced environmental footprint, low taxes.
Power self-generation, increased supply safety.
Alternative solutions for fossil fuels.
Assessment of consumption optimization solutions(passive buildings).
The opportunity to have a Nearly Zero-Energy Building (nZEB).
Scope of application:
- Administrative buildings.
- Hospitality industry.
- Business buildings.
Audit for Buildings conducted by Servelect: Antrepriza de Reparatii si Lucrari Cluj, Enel Distributie Banat, Compania de Apa Somes, Hotel Roman, Romconsulting etc.